Lipogaine big 3 shampoo | Professional Review
Lipogaine big 3 shampoo

Big 3 shampoo has been one of the most popular hair loss shampoo on the market. We are taking a close look at this product by examining its ingredients.  

Shampoo as a treatment for hair loss is appealing to many hair loss people because of the convenience. We need to wash our hair and use shampoo anyway. So using a special shampoo to treat our hair loss does not require any additional efforts. It does not mess up our hair either as we will need to rinse it out. The downside is that the contact of the product with the scalp is too short (usually 3 to 5 minutes), so it is difficult for the ingredients to be absorbed by the scalp and exert full effectiveness. Nonetheless, shampoo is a good option for those who have minor hair loss and their main goal is to stop further hair loss (instead of regrowing some lost hair back).


There are a lot of hair loss shampoos on the market that are marketed as organic or natural shampoo for treating hair loss. They try to sell hair loss sufferers the idea that hair loss is caused by the chemicals such as sulfate, paraben etc, in the regular shampoos.

The truth is that for 99% of the people who experience hair loss, your hair loss is NOT caused by the shampoo you're using. Rather, it is because your scalp generates too much dihydrotestosterone (DHT). All-natural and organic shampoos may not aggravate your hair loss, but they have NO impact on the root cause and therefore will not improve your hair loss condition.

Lipogaine big 3 shampoo contains ketoconazole, Castor Oil, Biotin, Caffeine, Argan oil and natural DHT blocker blend that will help battle hair loss from 3 different aspects: (a) Lower the level of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and therefore to eliminate the root cause of hair loss; (b) increase blood circulation so hair follicle is provided to sufficient nutrient for healthy growth; (c) nurture hair with import hair growth vitamins. 


Big 3 shampoo key ingredients

Unlike other hair loss shampoos that have no scientific ground whatsoever to solve hair loss problem, Lipogaine big 3 shampoo contains several important  proven ingredients. 

Ketoconazole: One landmark study in 1998 showed that a ketoconazole shampoo was equivalent to topical minoxidil treatment in promoting the density, size and proportion of hair follicles in patients with male pattern baldness. [Pierard-Franchimont, C., et al., Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia. Dermatology, 1998. 196(4): p. 474-7.]

Castor oil. Castor oil has long been used as a natural remedy to combat hair loss and help hair grow fast. It’s antibacterial and anti fungal properties make it beneficial against folliculitis, dandruff and scalp infections, the common cause for hair loss. Caster oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, which helps increase circulation to the scalp and improve hair growth. Ricinoleic acid also helps balance scalp pH and replenish the scalp’s natural oils and undo some of the damage of harsh chemical hair products. The antioxidants in castor oil also support the keratin in hair and help make hair stronger, smoother and less frizzy.

Caffeine: In the 2014 study published in British Journal of Dermatology, a team of renowned academic researchers discovered that hair follicles extracted from human males in presence of low concentration of caffeine showed significant hair growth and prolonged growth phase compared to the hair follicles cultured in pacebo solution. The study found the caffeine also had a beneficial effect on female hair growth as well. Currently there are caffeine based hair loss shampoo from a number of different companies such as  Men+Care Thick & Strong Fortifying 2 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner by Dove, and Alpecin shampoo by Dr. Kurt Wolff GmbH.

Biotin. One of the most important vitamins that improve the nail cell health and skin cell. It was discovered that certain foods contain this vitamin, and if you do not have it in sufficient quantity  hair and nails become brittle.

Argan oil : The oil was used traditionally to treat a variety of skin diseases. Its natural properties are a tremendous boon for a scalp plagued by dandruff and irritation. Argan oil is rich in natural phenols that are beneficial to hair follicles. Not only does it promote new hair growth, but also will help you grow healthy, thick looking hair. Many beauticians and dermatologists recommend Argan oil as a cosmetic treatment for the hair and skin. We recommend argan oil for a healthy head of hair alongside the big three hair loss treatment regimen.


How to Use Lipogaine Big3?

Shampoo is used like any other shampoo - wet your hair and apply the shampoo and then lather. The makers of Lipogaine recommend that you apply a second lather after rinsing out the first one. Given that this shampoo contains strong ingredients, try to limit hair washing on three times a week. The first noticeable result of using Lipogaine Big 3 was visible already after three months.

Shampoo is only for  external use. It is not recommended to use it if the scalp is inflamed, if you have any wounds or if you are allergic to any ingredients in this product. Keep this product out of reach of children.



Main Reasons why Lipogaine Big 3 Shampoo is recommended

  • Unlike other hair loss shampoo, Lipogaine big 3 shampoo does have strong scientific bases.
  • It is a combination of proven ingredient Castor oil, Caffeine, Biotin, Argan oil and Natural DHT blocker, which promotes healthy hair growth and prevents further hair loss
  • Lipogaine big 3 shampoo is enriched with a mild natural ingredients that stimulate hair growth and prevent its loss
  • Does not contain harsh chemicals, mild and has pleasant fragrance
  • Lipogaine is made to work equally well for both men and women
  • Very easy to use.
  • It is color safe.

In summary, Lipogaine Big 3 shampoo is inarguably the most scientifically sound hair loss shampoo on the market. It is not surprising that it has the highest review rating among all hair loss shampoos.  It is an excellent solution if you look for something that is convennient to curb your hair loss. 

Combined with Lipogaine Topical Solution (such as Lipogaine for men) can be very effective even for the most stuborn/advanced hair loss.




Kayne's picture


  July 24, 2020

Can I use Big 3 shampoo every day?

Bryant's picture


  July 24, 2020 Author

Yes. You can use big 3 shampoo every day. 

What you do is follows:

Use the shampoo as instructed every other day (Apply the shampoo two times per shower:  first application to clean hair, 2nd application to sit on the scalp for 2 to 4 minute), and use the shampoo on the other days as regular shampoo (apply, lather , and wash it off).