Rogaine Review

Rogaine (Minoxidil) is perhaps the best known remedy in the world of hair loss products. It has received Food and Drug Administration approval and mainstream OTC distribution. Additionally, scientific studies show the product is effective with consistent use (Twice a day for a minimum of four months). Johnson & Johnson heavily advertises the fact that their Rogaine product is capable of helping 85% of men grow their hair back and/or to stop further hair loss. Rogaine is a product specifically for men, and is available without a prescription in both liquid and foam dosages. But while it has clearly proven its efficacy, Rogaine’s major limitation is that it only treats the symptoms and doesn’t cure any underlying conditions causing the hair loss.

Lipogaine big 3 shampoo | Professional Review

Lipogaine big 3 shampoo

Big 3 shampoo has been one of the most popular hair loss shampoo on the market. We are taking a close look at this product by examining its ingredients.  

Vichy Dercos Neogenic Hair Loss Treatment Review

Vichy Dercos Neogenic Hair Loss Treatment review

Contents below is from manufacturer, not the view of the site. 

Overview: Vichy Dercos Neogenic is an innovative treatment in the form of ampoules stimulating natural hair growth. 

The formula is based on a new patented molecule Stemoxidine 5%, which oxygenates and regenerates stem cells bulbs, positive effects on the growth of new hair. 

The use of Vichy Dercos Neogenic brings excellent results in both women and men, in the form of thick, healthy hair, after the first three months of treatment.


Tugain 10 for Hair Loss and Beard Growth

Tugain 10

 In this article, we will give all the information about Tugain 10, and the other minoxidil products of Tugain such as Tugain 5 and Tugain 2 to help you choose the right products. We will also discuss Dualgen-10 that has the same minoxidil strength as Tugain with more ingredients and better effectiveness.

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POLARIS NR 11 : 12% minoxidil with finasteride

polaris nr 11


Polaris NR-11 was launched in 2014 by Polaris Research Laboratories.  It has two key ingredients minoxidil sulfate (12%) and finasteride 0.1%).

Revivogen Review

The Revivogen line of hair care products is formulated to deal with hair loss. It was produced by leading dermatologists, and intended to work at the hair follicle. A hormone called DHT is believed to be one of the primary factors in hair loss, in particular when it is hereditary. DHT is the product of an elaborate reaction happening in the hair follicle. Special ingredients in Revivogen products are thought to stop the production of DHT thereby delaying hair loss.

Hairomega Review

What is Hairomega?

Hairomega is a hair loss treatment herbal supplement. It has two products: Hairomega 3-in-1 DHT Blocker and Hairomega DHT Blocker  (See the ingredient comparison of these two products below). Hairomega 3-in-1 DHT Blocker has more comprehnsive ingredients than Hairomega DHT blocker. It is intended to address 3 main causes for hair loss: hormonal imbalance,  poor blood circulation and poor nutrition.  The Hairomega DHT Blocker mainly targets hormonal imbalance.  These two products can be taken together or by its own.



Hairomega 3-in-1 DHT Blocker: 120 tablets, 30-day supply

Minoxidil with Medroxyprogesterone (MPG), Azelaic Acid. Works?

minoxidil with MPG

Medroxyprogesterone (MPG), an artificial female sex hormones, has widely been used for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and pregnancy prevention. It is often prescribed for spotting, having no periods and irregular periods. It is sometimes used off label to treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Medroxyprogesterone is known be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

How to make 0.025% topical finasteride in 10 seconds

0.025% topical finasteride

This article will show you how to make a 0.025% topical finasteride easily and economically.

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Propecia Review

Propecia is one of two FDA-approved drugs for treating hair loss.  Propecia is an oral medication that suppresses DHT, the hormone that causes male-pattern baldness. Your genes target the DHT-sensitive hair follicles, causing them to shrink, which leads to hair loss. Propecia pills stop the development of DHT hormones, in turn stopping hair loss. The product has been found to stop further hair loss in 60 percent of men and in some cases even reverse hair loss to some degree. 

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Lipogaine for Women Review

Lipogaine for Women

Hair loss not only affects men, but women as well. Unfortunately, the treatment for women's hair loss is more limited than men. Men have two weapons in the arsenal: minoxidil and finassteride. Since women can't use finasteride, minoxidil is the only efffective means to treat female hair loss. If your hair loss is not so serious, and your main goal is to stop any further hair loss, you can use a hair loss shampoo like Lipogaine big 3 shamoo.

Kérastase Densifique Hair Treatment Review

Kérastase Densifique Hair Treatment review

Content herein is not the view of the site. It is all what the manufaccturer claimed:


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Provillus Hair Hair Loss Treatment Review

Provillus as a Hair Loss Treatment


Provillus is one of heavy marketed hair loss products online today. It is available for both men and women, making promises to “re-grow beautiful healthy hair”, this product consists of a topical and oral solution with an FDA approved hair regrowth ingredient and a number of conjectured “all-natural” dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blockers. 


Other ingredients that promote a healthy scalp and head of hair are also contained in this product.  The theory behind Provillus is to revive the hair follicles with growth stimulators and attack hair loss at its source by blocking DHT.